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How to Use College to the Fullest to Discover Your Strengths and Find a Job You Love Before You Graduate
by Kat Clowes, M.B.A.
College today is not preparing students for the modern job market—at a time when young people can expect to change careers five times or more, students are graduating with insufficient and obsolete job skills. The old rules for succeeding in college just don’t work anymore.
Put College to Work is a new kind of college guide, written by a Millennial for Millennials and designed for today’s world of uncertain employment, rapid career changes, and high student loan debt. The author knows first-hand what works and what doesn’t in today’s economy, both from her own experience as a student and her career as a college planning consultant. At a time when traditional college planning is failing to prepare students for working world, Put College to Work is a supremely practical guide to start building your career plan, your business contacts, and your job prospects.
Put College to Work shows how to identify your strengths, find the right career field and major to pursue, leverage your skills, and create your own opportunities. You’ll learn how to network to employers through your university’s career center, alumni association, and major donors, plus the industry and research connections of your professors.
Put College to Work presents a step-by-step plan to use the resources available to you in college (the resources you’re already paying for!) to enhance your education with practical experience, make connections with employers, market yourself as a dynamic and creative employee—and land a job before you graduate.
Put College to Work is the new rule book to how college really works today that will empower you to take action now to build your education, your career plan, your business contacts, and your job prospects.
About the Author: Kat Clowes figured out college the hard way. Having been a college student without a clue, Clowes spent ten years after graduation learning how she could have used her college resources to launch her career. After earning an M.B.A. and building a successful executive career, Clowes is now an independent educational consultant helping students use their time in college to gain meaningful employment after graduation.
$18.95 ($19.95 Canada) • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 280 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-253-6
The Pressured Past and Precarious Future
of California’s Coast
by Kim Steinhardt and Gary Griggs
The Pacific coast is the most iconic region of California and one of the most fascinating and rapidly changing places in the world. Densely populated, urbanized and industrialized — but also home to wilderness with complex, fragile ecosystems — the coast is the place where humanity and nature coexist in a precarious balance that is never perfectly stable.
The Edge: The Pressured Past and Precarious Future of California’s Coast is a dramatic snapshot of the California coast’s past, present and probable future in a time of climate change and expanding human activity.
Written by two marine experts who grew up on the coast, The Edge is both a celebration of the coast’s natural and cultural uniqueness and a warning of the many complex changes that threaten that uniqueness.
As ocean levels rise, coastal communities are starting to erode, and entire neighborhoods have been lost to the sea. Coastal ecosystems and wildlife that were already stressed by human settlement now face new dangers, some threatening their very survival. The combined impacts of climate change, housing and commercial growth, commercial fisheries, oil drilling and production, along with environmental advocacy, all come together to define the future of the region.
The Edge examines the current state of the coast’s natural and social environments, gives the historical causes for the coast’s present endangerment and offers informed projections on possible scenarios of the coast’s future.
A masterful and sweeping synthesis of environmental and social science, The Edge presents a comprehensive portrait of natural and cultural history — the story of the people, communities, industries, ecology and wildlife of the California coast.
Audience: Readers interested in environmental issues, marine wildlife, climate change and California history.
About the Authors: A widely recognized marine wildlife photographer, former administrative law judge, and a long-time conservation advocate, Kim Steinhardt delivers popular lectures and photographic programs on coastal conservation and ocean stewardship issues for aquariums and marine centers, universities, state parks and other audiences. Gary Griggs has written or co-authored nine books about the coast and coastal issues both in California and globally. As a Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of California at Santa Cruz, he is known for his expertise in oceanography and coastal geology. He serves as the director of the Institute of Marine Sciences at UC Santa Cruz.
$18.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 300 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-309-0
A Reference for Law Enforcement Officers and Motor Vehicle Inspectors
from Noise Free America: A Coalition to Promote Quiet
Take a look INSIDE THE BOOK here!
Excessive noise is a major public health issue. High noise levels are associated with hearing loss, heart disease, sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue, ringing of the ears, and aggressive behavior. Loud noise also damages communities, reduces property values, and denies individuals the right to peacefully enjoy their own home and property.
One of the major sources of excessive and unnecessary noise is from motorcycles, automobiles, and light trucks equipped with modified exhaust systems. By definition, a modified exhaust is not of the type installed at the time of manufacture, does not meet the manufacturer’s specifications, does not comply with manufacturing regulatory standards, and is the root cause of excessively loud vehicles.
Guide to Modified Exhaust Systems includes numerous photographs to make it easy to visually identify this illegal equipment.
This slim, portable manual should be of great interest to law enforcement officials, motor vehicle inspectors, prosecutors, and legislators, as well as all citizens who desire peace and quiet.
ISBN: 978-1-61035-312-0
83 color photographs. 98 pages. Copyright 2017.
Law enforcement organizations interested in bulk purchases or custom covers of this product, please email or call 1-800-345-4447 for information.
How to Craft and Publish Flash Fiction for a Booming Market
by Fred D. White
Writing Flash is a fast and informative guide for writers who want to develop their skills in one of fiction’s most challenging genres. Acclaimed creative writing teacher Fred D. White gives a fast-paced and in-depth introduction to the fascinating genre of flash fiction, the art of the ultra-short story that is 1,000 words or fewer.
White shows that mastering flash fiction is an indispensable skill-building challenge for any writer. Learning how to compress a story to its most essential elements will make your writing vigorous, evocative and full of emotion — invaluable skills for any kind of writing, including writing novels and longer short fiction.
Writing Flash presents a comprehensive introductory course to the techniques of flash fiction, beginning with a rigorous analysis of the mechanics of effective flash stories that will give you new insights into the bones and sinews of all literature. Each chapter also contains challenging exercises that will strengthen specific writing skills, extend your abilities and give valuable practice in the craft of flash fiction.
But flash fiction is more than just an exercise. It’s also an elegant art in its own right that can produce stories of startling depth and feeling. White illustrates flash fiction techniques and strategies by giving numerous examples of some of the best flash stories from great writers.
Writing Flash also includes fantastic resources for aspiring flash writers, including tips on publishing and marketing your own flash fiction to build your writing career, plus extensive lists of flash fiction literary journals, award contests and resources for further study.
Writing Flash won’t just help you become a better flash fiction writer; this book will help you become a better writer, period.
Audience: Professional and aspiring creative writers.
About the Author: Fred D. White received his Ph.D. in English from the University of Iowa. For nearly 40 years White has taught writing courses at Santa Clara University, where he is now Professor of English, Emeritus. White has published several books on writing, as well as dozens of stories, essays, poems and plays.
$14.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 150 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-317-5
Creative Writing • LAN005000
Bibliography • Index
The Electrical Wizard of Schenectady
by Robert W. Bly
Charles Proteus Steinmetz presents the amazing life story of a forgotten genius who created the fundamental infrastructure that powers the modern world.
Thomas Alva Edison and Nikola Tesla have the glory, but the greatest electrical wizard of them all was Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865–1923). Revered in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a genius, but largely forgotten today, Steinmetz made the modern world possible through his revolutionary work to develop AC electricity transmission, the technology underlying today’s power grid. More than just a great scientist, Steinmetz was also one of the most colorful characters in American life. Standing just four feet tall with a pronounced spine curvature, Steinmetz was as well known for his unconventional political opinions, his fierce advocacy for social progress and education, his unusual home life and his private menagerie as for his technical achievements.
Charles Proteus Steinmetz gives a full appreciation of both the scientific achievements and remarkable personal life of this extraordinary man. Author Robert W. Bly, an acclaimed technology writer, gives a complete but reader-friendly account of the science of generating and transmitting electricity that will both educate readers and help them fully understand the importance of Steinmetz’s work.
Bly also writes sensitively of the struggles and joys of Steinmetz’s complex private life. A socialist and a political exile from Imperial Germany, Steinmetz overcame physical challenges and poverty to become one of the most influential scientific leaders of the United States. Steinmetz refused to marry or have children to avoid passing on his hereditary disabilities, but he created a family for himself by adopting his lab assistant and being a grandfather to his adoptive son’s children.
The first full biography of Steinmetz in many years, Charles Proteus Steinmetz brings the life, passions, and achievements of a great man to a new generation.
Audience: Science and technology enthusiasts, high school and college students, biography and history readers.
About the Author: Robert W. Bly has nearly four decades of experience as a science and technology writer. He is the author of more than 95 books and numerous articles on a variety of technical and nontechnical subjects. His science website is and his writing website is
Available now!
What Cops Know About Crime, Community and Violence
by Adam Plantinga
Publication Date: December 1, 2018
A veteran police officer gives his thoughtful, balanced views on police shootings, racial profiling, community relations, and every other aspect of policing in Police Craft: What Cops Know About Crime, Community and Violence.
Written by Adam Plantinga, the author of the acclaimed 400 Things Cops Know, Police Craft is a thought-provoking and revelatory examination of policing in America, as seen by a working police officer.
Plantinga, a police officer for 17 years and a serving sergeant with the San Francisco Police Department, gives an inside view of the police officer’s job, from handling evidence and conducting interrogations to coping with danger, violence, and death.
Police Craft explores a wide range of topics related to police work, from the techniques of policing to the culture of the profession, the sociology of crime and criminals, and the psychological toll on police officers.
Not hesitating to confront controversial issues, Plantinga presents a police officer’s views on police shootings, racial profiling, and relationships between police and the community — and offers reasoned proposals on what the police and the public can do better.
Hard-boiled, humorous, and compassionate, Plantinga wrestles with the complexities and contradictions of a job he loves in which he witnesses so much suffering. Transcending today’s strident pro-cop/anti-cop rhetoric, Police Craft will give every reader a greater respect for the police and greater understanding of the job they do.
Audience: True crime and mystery readers, readers interested in police work, readers interested in current events and public policy related to policing, and active, retired and aspiring police officers.
About the Author: Adam Plantinga has been a police officer for 17 years and is currently a sergeant with the San Francisco Police Department. Plantinga’s first book, 400 Things Cops Know, received rave reviews from star crime writers such as Lee Child, Edward Conlon, and Joseph Wambaugh and was hailed as “the new bible for crime writers” in the Wall Street Journal. Plantinga lives in the Bay Area with his wife and daughters.
$16.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 280 pages • Index
ISBN 978-1-61035-331-1
Available for pre-sale. Will ship on publication.
A Pup’s True Adventure and Triumph
by Kim Steinhardt
Publication Date: December 3, 2019
$17.95 US • Hardback • 9″ x 9″ • 32 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-353-3
40 full-color photographs
Young readers will thrill to the exciting true wildlife survival story of Sabby the Sea Otter.
This wildlife adventure, illustrated with full-color photographs of real sea otters, gives children a fun introduction to marine life and the importance of wildlife habitats.
Sabby the Sea Otter is just a young pup, but his mom is teaching him everything about how to be a sea otter — how to dive underwater, how to find food in the ocean, and how to stay safe in a world full of danger. Sabby is insatiably curious — he wants to know everything about the bay he and his mom live in.
But one day, despite all his mom’s warnings, Sabby’s curiosity gets him in trouble when a rushing tide traps him in a human-made hazard, a great big pipe filled with water.
Now Sabby needs to learn how to survive on his own, while his mom fights every obstacle to find him and make sure he’s safe.
Based on a true story of how a real-life sea otter pup and his mom were reunited, Sabby the Sea Otter is a heartwarming story of the love between a parent and child and a fun introduction for kids to the ocean and the animals who live there — plus an important lesson about how human activity affects wildlife.
Audience: Young readers, educators, and libraries.
About the Author: Kim Steinhardt is a writer and award-winning marine wildlife photographer whose stories and photos interpret the natural world for all ages and audiences. He has been an adviser and photo contributor to National Geographic Kids Explore My World series, and his work appears in other publications and on TV. In 2017, Steinhardt co-authored The Edge: The Pressured Past and Precarious Future of California’s Coast, and he frequently writes and presents regarding sea otters, coastal advocacy, and the often-troubled relationship between humans and nature. He also serves as president of the board of directors of the Seymour Marine Discovery Center at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Please note: We accept PayPal only on the website. For credit card orders, please call us at 800-345-4447. Thank you!
by Doug Stowe
Publication Date: March 22, 2022
A guide to living fully and humanely by learning the wisdom of authentic manual work
Many of us live in a world of constant abstraction, immersed in our heads and our screens. But there is a deeper wisdom to be found in working with our hands in the real world. In The Wisdom of Our Hands, craftsman and educator Doug Stowe shows how working with our hands, either professionally or as a hobby, is essential for a full education and a full life.
Based on his 45 years as a woodworker and 25 years as a teacher of handcrafts, Stowe argues that human beings have a natural need to express themselves creatively through tangible work. The use of one’s hands and whole body to make physical things and reshape our surroundings promotes both physical and mental health and fosters a sense of mastery in both young and adult students.
A life of craftsmanship offers the opportunity and obligation to define one’s own values. Drawing on his experiences living and working in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, a town dedicated to handcrafts and arts, Stowe demonstrates how craft work can create community, forge deeper social bounds, and foster a saner attitude about the value of human labor and material goods.
Written for everyone who wants to reconnect with the deep experience of the human body at work, The Wisdom of Our Hands is a quietly radical call to spiritual (and physical) action.
$16.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 180 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-501-8
Please note: We accept PayPal only on the website. For credit card orders, please call us at 800-345-4447. Thank you!
by Victoria Waller, Ed.D.
Publication Date: June 7, 2022. Click here to preview the book.
Help and hope for parents of children with learning differences.
Every child can succeed in school and life, but some children need more help than others. For over 40 years, internationally acclaimed reading specialist and student advocate Dr. Victoria E. Waller has helped children who have trouble reading, who can’t sit still in class, who don’t feel like they can participate—children whom teachers have all but given up on. In Yes! Your Child Can, Dr. Waller shares with parents, teachers, and therapists her proven techniques to create success for children with learning differences and draw out the singular genius within your child.
In compassionate, nontechnical, easy-to-understand language, Yes! Your Child Can gives step-by-step guidance on how to help your child achieve in school and build lifelong intellectual confidence. Drawing on the latest science and her own wide-ranging experience, Dr. Waller explains why it’s important to pay attention to your first gut feeling that your child may need extra help and shows how to navigate testing, medication, and choosing a team to help your child.
Most importantly, Yes! Your Child Can shows you how to use your child’s natural strengths and passions to build their academic, social, and personal confidence. Dr. Waller empowers parents to let their children follow their own interests, whether that’s learning about sharks, reading to the dog, or building with Legos and writing about their creations. With Dr. Waller’s help, learning can be motivating and fun. Dr. Waller’s techniques are smart, caring, and effective with any child, no matter their current or past educational difficulties.
Respectful, compassionate, and offering real help, Yes! Your Child Can is the first book every parent of a child with learning differences should read.
$18.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 220 pages
ISBN 978-1-610353-86-1
Subtitle: Practical Plans to Get Your Business Mobile in Just a Few Days for Just a Few Bucks.
Creating a successful mobile web presence is achievable with the tools found in this guide, without needing to learn a programming language or become a Web designer. Such a presence is now a necessity, rather than a luxury, for all businesses, organizations, and independent professionals to stay competitive.
This quick, practical, hands-on introduction to the nuts and bolts of using the mobile web to grow a brand, improve sales, and increase profits is written for lay people and avoids jargon and programming concepts. Time and money-saving solutions are presented, teaching technical novices how to quickly adapt their existing websites to the mobile ones and how to easily create mobile applications without having to learn to program.
Step-by-step instructions stand alongside real-world examples of successful mobile-web transitions, and advice on best practices is provided to help business owners, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, and creative professionals create the presence they need to help their business flourish.
This is the PDF e-book edition!
Subtitle: Practical Plans to Get Your Business Mobile in Just a Few Days for Just a Few Bucks.
Creating a successful mobile web presence is achievable with the tools found in this guide, without needing to learn a programming language or become a Web designer. Such a presence is now a necessity, rather than a luxury, for all businesses, organizations, and independent professionals to stay competitive.
This quick, practical, hands-on introduction to the nuts and bolts of using the mobile web to grow a brand, improve sales, and increase profits is written for lay people and avoids jargon and programming concepts. Time and money-saving solutions are presented, teaching technical novices how to quickly adapt their existing websites to the mobile ones and how to easily create mobile applications without having to learn to program.
Step-by-step instructions stand alongside real-world examples of successful mobile-web transitions, and advice on best practices is provided to help business owners, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, and creative professionals create the presence they need to help their business flourish.
Check out the e-book pdf version of this book!
People & Placesis a special collection from the World of Wonder series. World of Wonder is a weekly illustrated, full-page feature syndicated in over 100 newspapers nationwide. Devoted to exploring educational themes and examining the realms of history, science, nature and technology, it is written in a reader-friendly style and accompanied by award-winning graphics. This collection gives the reader a wealth of information on everything from Angkor to Dracula.
People & Placesis a special collection from the World of Wonder series. World of Wonder is a weekly illustrated, full-page feature syndicated in over 100 newspapers nationwide. Devoted to exploring educational themes and examining the realms of history, science, nature and technology, it is written in a reader-friendly style and accompanied by award-winning graphics. This collection gives the reader a wealth of information on everything from Angkor to Dracula.
A simple program that helps you build responsibility and self-esteem in your children?.
James and Jones, the
Saving Our Children and Families from the Torment of Adolescence. From the former editor of Psychology Today.
America’s favorite sex therapist, analyzes ancient myth and its relevance to 21st century relationships in her new book Myths of Love: Echoes of Greek and Roman Mythology in the Modern Romantic Imagination. For the ancient Greeks and Romans, love was sweet, but it was also irrational, cruel, and often deadly. Faced with the terrible paradox of love, classical civistories of classic archetypes such as Narcissus, Helen of Troy, and Venus and Adonis.
Dr. Ruth and classical scholar Jerome E. Singerman insightfully examine the underlying psychology of the ancient myths and explain why their universal appeal has shaped the imagination of Western civilization for millennia. Myths of Love traces how these myths have endured in literature and art across the centuries and how they still influence how we think about sex and relationships today.
Surveying a vast range of Greek and Roman literature from Homer to Ovid, Myths of Love retells and reconsiders the full gamut of human sexual experience, from the tenderest expressions of married love to the savage, self-destructive passions of narcissism and jealousy. Myths of Love is a delightful introduction to classical mythology, showing how the ancients grappled with modern dilemmas such as gender identity, female sexual pleasure, and intellectual equality between the sexes.
A stimulating blend of art, science, ancient religion, and the passions and contradictions of the human heart, Myths of Love is a smart and sexy revisit to the roots of Western culture’s eternal fascination with love.
Please note: We accept PayPal only on the website. For credit card orders, please call us at 800-345-4447. Thank you!
Revised and Updated Second Edition
by Robert W. Bly
Publication Date: October 26, 2021
The definitive guide to making real money as a writer—revised and updated for the online media market of the 2020s!
Do you love educating others? Do you want to make money doing it? The world of how-to writing is waiting for you! In How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit, copywriting legend and self-made millionaire Robert W. Bly shares his secrets to how any motivated person can turn simple information into a six-figure income.
Bob Bly spells out how you can find your writing niche, develop ideas for salable how-to books, ebooks, articles, video, audio content and more; repackage content in a dizzying variety of proven-to-sell products; promote and market your work; and earn $100,000 a year or more.
This revised and updated second edition of How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit adapts Bly’s tried-and-true formulas for writing success to the modern online content market, including best practices for monetizing podcasts, YouTube channels, webinars, Facebook groups, social media, software, and more.
You don’t have to be the world’s greatest writer. You don’t have to be the leading guru in your field. But if you have a curious mind and love learning new things, you can be a six-figure success as a how-to writer—and How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit will show you how!
$18.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 326 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-990-0
Subtitle: 21 Steps to the Clear Prose Publishers and Agents Crave
Most writers toil their whole lives without ever getting published. The reason? Foggy writing — writing that’s full of unnecessary, misused, and overused words. Foggy writing drives editors crazy, and makes publishers and agents reject manuscripts at first glance. Veteran editor Don McNair lays out an easy-to-follow, systematic method for clearing up foggy writing and producing sparkling copy that attracts readers, agents, editors, and sales in his new book Editor-Proof Your Writing: 21 Steps to the Clear Prose Publishers and Agents Crave.
In his more than 40 years as a professional editor and writing instructor, McNair found that most writers make the same mistakes over and over again, and nearly all of these mistakes can be corrected simply by removing specific words. In Editor-Proof Your Writing, McNair presents his classroom-proven, systematic method for rooting out foggy words and phrases, producing clear, vigorous and powerful prose.
In just 21 steps, Editor-Proof Your Writing teaches how to edit weak verb forms, strip away author intrusions, ban redundancies, eliminate meaningless phrases, correct passive-voice sentences, slash misused and overused words, and fix other writing mistakes.
Editor-Proof Your Writing doesn’t present theory; it shows how to apply knowledge. McNair asks readers to use the first chapter of their manuscripts as a practice text. Each chapter introduces a step to defog writing and then asks the reader to try it out on his or her own work.
A superb addition to any writer’s toolkit, Editor-Proof Your Writing won’t just make you a clearer and more grammatical writer; it will make you a better writer — more expressive, more entertaining and more likely to sell your work.
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