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The 5 Essential Legal Documents You Need by Age 55
by Judith D. Grimaldi, Joanne Seminara, and Pierre A. Lehu
Publication Date: June 15, 2015
$16.95 ($21.95 Canada)
Trade Paperback
6″ x 9″
120 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-258-1
Many people discover too late that they need some essential legal documents to deal with common health and end of life issues. Failing to prepare these documents ahead of time can create major legal headaches that often require expensive trips to court to resolve.
Written by expert attorneys, 5@55 is a slim, easy-to-read guide to the five most important legal documents you should have by age 55: Healthcare Advance Directive, Living Will, Power of Attorney, Last Will and Testament, and Authorization to Access Electronic Records and Media Sites.
These are the documents that everyone says they’ll get to “eventually.” But “eventually” all too often turns to “never.” Setting a deadline of age 55 to draft these essential documents ensures that they’ll be ready before you need them—and avoid nasty and costly surprises.
With full descriptions of each document, explanations of why you need it, and sample documents you can adapt to your own needs, 5@55 is a must-have manual for the second half of life.
Successfully Coping with the Inconveniences of Aging
by David Alan Lereah, PhD
Publication Date June 2, 2020
Discover the extraordinary power of Positive Aging to prepare you for the greatest challenge of your life — growing old.
Americans now live longer than ever — a full 30 years longer than they did in the early 20th century. Our forever-young culture and personal expectations have not yet adapted to that change. These extra years can be a burden or an adventure, depending on your mental attitude. You can’t fight the inevitable changes to your aging body, but The Power of Positive Aging demonstrates that these changes are only inconveniences that won’t prevent living a fulfilling life.
The Power of Positive Aging offers a practical training guide to successfully cope with the physical and mental decline that accompanies aging. Based on life lessons learned during Lereah’s successful battle against cancer, The Power of Positive Aging gives readers an easy-to-follow program of mental and spiritual exercises teaching mindfulness and acceptance, plus strategies for pursuing a balanced life and seeking and accepting social support.
Written with warmth and compassion, The Power of Positive Aging encourages readers to not be afraid of aging but to celebrate their aging selves. The Power of Positive Aging shows how simple lifestyle modifications will transform your everyday life, helping you to live more joyously for the rest of your years.
The Power of Positive Aging shows how simple lifestyle modifications will transform your everyday life, helping you to live more joyously for the rest of your years. Growing older can be the best part of living when you embrace the power of positive aging.
About the Author: David Lereah is an economist, cancer survivor, motivational speaker, and founder of the nonprofit organization United We Age. He previously was the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors and the Mortgage Bankers Association. He is the author of four books, the most recent being All Real Estate Is Local. Lereah’s economic commentary has regularly appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Business Week, and on CNN, CNBC, and other media. Lereah began his career on the faculties of the University of Virginia and Rutgers University. He earned his PhD in Economics from the University of Virginia. Lereah lives in Port St. Lucie, Florida.
$15.95 US • Trade Paperback • 6″ x 9″ • 296 pages
ISBN 978-1-61035-360-1
If you’re 50 or older, it’s time for you to take control of your destiny and build the secure future you deserve. Start Your Own Home Business After 50 will show you how to take charge of your retirement income by building a successful and profitable business you can operate from the comfort of your own home. Legendary business consultant and serial entrepreneur Robert W. Bly shows you how to leverage your skills and experience to achieve the income you’ve always wanted, be your own boss, and survive and thrive under any economic conditions.
Written for people who are old enough to already know who they are, Start Your Own Home Business After 50 doesn’t waste time on identity-building exercises, but instead pinpoints eight key business opportunities that are particularly suitable for after-50 entrepreneurs.
A Practical Guide to Planning for the Best Half of Your Life
A practical and comprehensive guide that will help you build a strategy for coping with the unique legal, medical, financial and personal challenges of aging.
Unlike many books on golf, this book is a description and analysis of what it is like to learn to play the game later in life, written from the perspective of recent learner, David Goslin who took up golf at 65, in collaboration with Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Master Teaching Professional, Mary Beth McGirr. A sociologist by training, Goslin has spent 40 years studying the process by which individuals learn new skills.
The guide for taking charge of your health! This 400-page primer for better health is by Peter H. Gott, M.D. from the syndicated newspaper column, Ask Dr. Gott!
While moving never is simple, moving after one has reached the age of 60 often presents its own special challenges.
Learn how to navigate through the all-to-often concurrent maze of prescriptions and tests with an eye to discerning their necessity and value and learn how to save time and money while doing it.
Especially beneficial to those facing a serious or prolonged illness, this book will appeal to everyone who goes to a doctor as well as those who act as medical advocates for their children, aging parents, or others.
Revving up the Passion, Romance and Excitement!
Many people enjoy the best sex of their lives after 50! More passionate, more thrilling, and more satisfying sex. Dr. Ruth guides people through the process of regaining or maintaining a healthy sex life in later years.
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