New! “From Farms to Incubators Profiles Women Leaders and Agricultural and Technical Innovation

Maintaining a secure and sustainable food supply for the 21st century is a huge challenge. Modern farmers must manage climate change, limited water and soil supply, and a severe labor shortage to feed the growing global population projected to reach 10 billion people in 2050.
Launching today is the new business book, From Farms to Incubators: Women Innovators Revolutionizing How Our Food Is Grown, which documents how women leaders are meeting today’s farming challenges with high technology. Drones, artificial intelligence, sophisticated soil sensors, targeted data analytics, blockchain, and robotics are transforming agriculture into the growing field of agtech—the integration of agriculture and technology.
From Farms to Incubators presents inspiring case studies of how women entrepreneurs from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds are leading the agtech revolution. The women profiled are finding opportunities in two massive shifts in agriculture—the increasing importance of high technology and the rise of women leaders in agribusiness.
Each agribusiness leader profiled in From Farms to Incubators tells her own story of how she used agtech innovation to solve specific business problems and succeed. These business cases demonstrate the influence of female innovation, the new technologies applied to agribusiness problems, and the career opportunities young women can find in agribusiness. The women profiled speak frankly on the advantages and drawbacks of technological solutions to agriculture and offer lessons in making technology productive in real work.
A must-read book for business leaders, policy makers, and everyone interested in tech innovation, From Farms to Incubators offers exhilarating role models for young women, a thought-provoking glimpse into the future of food production, and a fascinating investigation of how women leaders are profitably disrupting the world’s oldest industry.
From Farms to Incubators is available now from Quill Driver Books.