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- Science Fiction (2)
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Subtitle: “The Truth About Manufactured Dog and Cat Food”
Not Fit for a Dog! reveals what really goes into modern manufactured cat and dog food — and offers concerned pet owners a nutritionally sound alternative. In Not Fit for a Dog!, three distinguished veterinarians share their expertise to provide an in-depth appraisal of the pet food industry and its products, and their findings will appall pet owners, animal care providers and anyone who cares about animal welfare.
Not Fit for a Dog! shows you a better way to take care of your pets — a wholesome, natural diet made from real food, including easy-to-prepare recipes for pet foods and treats made from organic ingredients that will keep your pet healthy and satisfy his or her natural appetites. Comprehensive information about pet nutrition and raw foods options will help readers customize foods to their pets’ individual needs.
Combining science, social concern and compassion, Not Fit for a Dog! is both an indictment of a reckless industry and a plan for a healthier way of life for both pets and humans.
Subtitle: “How Everyday Movement Will Prevent Pain, Illness, and Early Death — and Exercise Alone Won’t”
Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division, presents a comprehensive scientific explanation for why Americans are so unhealthy — and delivers the solution, an easy-to-follow, scientifically proven plan to restore Americans’ health.
In her groundbreaking research at NASA, Vernikos discovered that living with constant resistance to the force of gravity is essential to good health. In weightlessness, astronauts, who are far fitter than the average adult, seem to rapidly age; their muscles, bones and overall health degenerate to levels usually seen in elderly people.
Searching for a way to duplicate this degeneration in volunteer medical subjects on Earth, Vernikos found that keeping subjects resting and immobile caused the same health problems as extended weightlessness. Vernikos’ NASA studies are the only research that has provided a complete explanation for why sitting is so bad for health. Excessive sitting, like extended weightlessness, removes the body from its natural condition of constantly resisting gravity. Being weightless rapidly ages the body; staying immobile has the same effect as being weightless; and therefore modern American sedentary lifestyles promote rapid aging and poor health.
Subtitle: “An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses.”
In this revised, expanded and updated second edition, Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses uncovers a public health crisis that even many doctors don’t know exists—the chronic misdiagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Written in a highly accessible style that makes complex medical information clear and comprehensible to ordinary patients and their families, Could It Be B12? gives readers the knowledge and confidence to fight the ignorance and rigidity of the medical establishment and take control of their own health. Could It Be B12? presents vital information and strategies for readers to learn if they or their loved ones are suffering from B12 deficiency and how to work with their doctors and other health care professionals to get the treatment they need.
An Indie Excellence Book Award Winner.
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