“The Ten Commandments of Comedy” by Emmy-winning writer Gene Perret

Can following rules make you funnier? Are there are a set of steps that make weak material funnier and turn an okay gag into a killer? Gene Perret thinks so, and he should know — Gene is a comedy legend, a three-time Emmy-winning comedy writer who worked for greats like Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller, and Carol Burnett.

In a 50-year comedy career, Gene has figured out every variable that makes a joke funny — elements like surprise, currency, truthfulness, and vivid imagery. Gene has reduced his wealth of comedy knowledge to just ten simple principles, which he presents in his new book, “The Ten Commandments of Comedy.”

“The Ten Commandments of Comedy” will show you that comedy is a skill anyone can learn. Even people who don’t think of themselves as naturally funny can use humor effectively by applying “The Ten Commandments of Comedy.” And for professional comedy writers and performers, “The Ten Commandments of Comedy” will help you sharpen your comedy instincts, fix jokes that don’t work, and make your material sing.

From the First Commandment (“Thou Shalt Surprise”) to the Tenth Commandment (“Thou Shalt Be Clever”), “The Ten Commandments of Comedy” is a slim, fast guide to the essentials of humor that’s perfect for business presenters, after-dinner speakers, professional comedians, and anyone who wants to be funny.

Disobey these commandments at thy peril! Obey the commandments and thou shalt be rewarded with laughter and happy audiences!

ORDER the “Ten Commandments of Comedy” from Quill Driver Books!

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